Wait… I Think We’re Missing Something…

I’ll let you in on a secret.

I’m not engaged.  I don’t even have a extra cool promise ring on my finger.

There is a venue.  (You can see that information on the side of the screen.)  And there is a countdown (see same information block).

Caterer?  Selected.  Photographer?  Picked and we’re pencilled in.  Dress?  There is one that has my eye.  These will all come up later.

But I suppose I’d like to answer the question about why plan a wedding when you’re not technically engaged.  It’s the 21st century and we are very much not part of the 1% who can spend a down payment on a house readily and easily on a day we both want.  So we’re planning now.

And I do want/expect Ryan to propose because that will be a story.  And I like stories.  And Ryan, as far as I know, really likes surprises.  And we both like making the other happy…  So while things are a wee bit out of order, we’re still doing everything…

Except the garter toss.  Screw that.